We are pleased to announce Croatian chamber of economy as one of the co-organizers of the convention DORS/CLUC 2013. We are proud that Croatian chamber of economy has recognized importance of this convention and its theme field.
- Schedule of the convention is announced along with the detailed keynotes and workshop programme.
- Registrations for the convention are open
- Convention’s workshops will be held at NetAkademija our educational partner. (Polytechnic of Zagreb, Vrbik 8a, first floor, Croatia, Europe)
- Convention’s location (Hotel International, Miramarska 24, Zagreb, Croatia, Europe)
- Hotel International is giving our attendees accommodation with discount during the convention. If you are interested feel free to contact hotel’s staff at reservations@hotel-international.hr with note that you are an attendee of DORS/CLUC 2013.
- Keynote/workshop applications (applications for keynotes and workshops are done. Thank you everyone who applied. Keynote speakers who managed to get in convention’s programme, we wish you a good luck with your preparations for the convention. We will contact you before the convention via mail. For those not so lucky, we are sorry. But don’t let that discourage you. We definitely welcome you to apply for next year, and try earlier, not last minute if possible.)
- Volunteer applications (applications for volunteers are done as well. Thank you everyone who applied we will soon inform you via mail and send you further instructions.)
If you have problems and/or questions please contact us at info@dorscluc.org