Open Informatics award contest

Croatian association for open systems and Internet and Croatian Linux Users’ Association are announcing “Open Informatics” award contest for achievement in free and open source world for the year 2012.

Deadline for award application is 24th of April 2013

Applications for the award contest  are closed. Winner will be announced at the convention 15th of May 2013. 

Who can apply for the contest? All citizens of Croatia, organizations, companies and institutions from Croatia who have achieved notable results in a year 2012  through development, implementation, usage and promotion of free and open source technologies.

Person who nominates candidates for the award has to be a member of one of the previously mentioned associations above. Person can nominate herself or other physical or legal person that doesn’t have to be a member of previously mentioned associations but her agreement  with nomination is required in written form.

Nomination about the contest candidate has to contain following:

  • For physical persons: name and surname, academic title, date and year of birth, address, company or institution where person is employed, CV in free form.
  • For legal persons: company’s or institution’s name, head office, identification number, year of company’s or institution’s establishment, number of employees, company’s or institution’s activities.

In both cases it is required to cover why is candidate nominated for the award, it is also required to list candidate’s achievements considering FLOSS in a year 2012 which have to be argumented.

Suggestions of nominated candidates should be send:

  • via e-mail with title: Application for “Open Informatics” award contest for 2012 or
  • via snail mail to the address of Croatian association for open systems and Internet, Unska 3, 10 000 Zagreb with entitlement Application for “Open Informatics” award for the year 2012

All incomplete and “not sent in time” nominations  will not be included in the contest. All additional informations about the contest you can get via phone (01) 6129-660 or via e-mail:

(Note: send it in Croatian language – you have Croatian version of this contest announcement  here, you have probably noticed that our web is bilingual Croatian/English)

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